THIRD (3rd) WMN Talk Series this time brings Dr. Wan Julia Sham who will share knowledge under HEALTH coverage today in order to open eyes and add useful knowledge for women out there. One thing that all of us are aware of is the importance of the health aspect, but always ignore it.

She is one of the “front liners” who dealing with a Covid-19 patients in their respective homes and help to monitor post-Covid19 patients since 2019 would like to share his experience in this matters. It is hoped that with the application of new knowledge from this real source can be used as a reference and self -preparation for all of us in the future.

JOIN US in this Talk Series! Pass along this information to your Family & Friends.

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Any inquiries, do contact us at 017-9364323.

ADLA www.adla.my | secretariat.wldp@gmail.com | FB: Women Mentoring Network | IG: adla_group

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event that has impacted the lives of many Malaysian. To date, more than a million Malaysians have contracted the disease, and thousands have succumbed to it. The rate at which the virus is spreading somehow causing widespread fear and panic among the public. 
Not only we are faced with this health threat, but we are also faced with the spread of misinformation too.

Our 3rd speaker, Dr. Wan Julia will cover this topic with a focus on alleviating any concerns on long covid and its effects on it.

Let’s listen from a medical practitioners, on this issue and seek evidence-based information.



Some of the questions asked during the session:

1) What is Post Covid-19.

2) Who are at risks to get infected by Virus Corona that lead to Covid-19

3) What happen after Covid?

4) What you can do if you have Post Covid symptoms

5) How to recover from Post Covid

Watch the full video to get to know the answer form our speaker.

Visit Gallery Here

ADLA www.adla.my | secretariat.wldp@gmail.com | FB: Women Mentoring Network | IG: adla_group


#womenmentoringnetwork #womenempowerment #womentalk #womenprograms

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