International Work Life Balance Forum (IWLBF) is a global platform for influential, global leaders and practitioners to engage and share experiences or best practices on how to drive work life balance strategies in challenging business environments along with an ever-changing workforce.
IWLBF is a forward-thinking knowledge sharing platform partnering with thought leaders to discuss the future needs of WORK LIFE BALANCE for the organisation and the individual, including the nation at large.
The five pillars of IWLBF for discussions include business and career, wellness, family and relationships, money matters and spiritual experiences. Participants will experience first-hand knowledge from speakers, constructive dialogues to open up discoveries of new possibilities and opportunities in a collaborative and open environment.
With tried and tested methodologies from experts, work life balance is all about walking the talk, creating habits, letting go of disserving beliefs and working a system. IWLBF provides essential networking opportunities where one can get to know and meet people working across different industries. At IWLBF, the stellar line-up of speakers will reveal how they instil the seemingly impossible “work life balance” discipline into their spirituality, family life, personal life & growth, finance, and community to overcome adversity and experience fulfilment in life and business.