Dare Yourself to Change in this time of Crisis
Women Mentoring Network (WMN) Talk Series proudly present an exclusive session with Ybhg. Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur, with her keynote topic “Dare Yourself to Change in this time of Crisis”, on Friday 23rd July, 3.00pm, via ZOOM
The talk will cover how leaders (and women) can be better positioned to respond and thrive in the current environment of constant change and uncertainty.
Register NOW at https://bit.ly/RegistrationWMNTalkSeries1, to attend to our exclusive FREE event, and get a chance to get special discount for special 2 Days Certification on Women Leadership Development Program organised by WMN and ADLA.
Jemputan terbuka kepada semua untuk menyertai satu sesi eksklusif bersama Pengerusi Universiti Kolej Yayasan Pahang, Ybhg. Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur dengan topik yang akan dibawanya bertajuk ”Dare Yourself to Change in this time of Crisis”. Sila klik link pendaftaran di
Sesi akan berlangsung pada Jumaat, 23hb Julai 2021, jam 3 petang, melalui platform Zoom. Jangan lepaskan peluang, daftar segera di https://bit.ly/RegistrationWMNTalkSeries1 dan anda berpeluang mendapat diskaun istimewa untuk program seterusnya anjuran Women Mentoring Network (WMN).
ADLA www.adla.my | secretariat.wldp@gmail.com | FB: Women Mentoring Network | IG: adla_group
Women Mentoring Network (WMN) Talk Series proudly present an exclusive session with Ybhg. Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur, with her keynote topic “Dare Yourself to Change in this time of Crisis”, on Friday 23rd July, 3.00pm, via ZOOM. The talk cover on how leaders (and women) can be better positioned to respond and thrive in the current environment of constant change and uncertainty.
Tan Sri will share her opinion and answer to:-
1. What are the issues faced by women during the pandemic crisis?
2. How can we boost our physical and mental strength in ensuring that we can face the challenges?
3. What kinds of platforms should we resort to when we face difficulties in life?
4. Being an entrepreneur, what can we reassure ourselves during the pandemic
5. How does family come into picture when we want the best for them?
We will continue to bring an expert speakers for this talk series till November 2021. Do follow our YouTube Channel ADLA Group for more video.
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