Cabaran Usahawan Hadapi Covid-19 II

WORRY about your BUSINESS collapsing due to Covid19 movement control order? 😖 Not sure what to do? Still looking for answers or suggestions?

JOIN OUR FB LIVE “QUESTION AND ANSWER” SESSION, series-2 with our CEO, Dr Leez Hassan who is also the Icon of Empowering Women Entrepreneurs, Deputy President of Peniagawati Malaysia and Entrepreneurship Coach.


Cabaran Usahawan Hadapi Covid-19

WORRY about your BUSINESS collapsing due to Covid19 movement control order? 😖 Not sure what to do? Still looking for answers or suggestions?

JOIN OUR FB LIVE “QUESTION AND ANSWER” SESSION with our CEO, Dr Leez Hassan who is also the Icon of Empowering Women Entrepreneurs, Deputy President of Peniagawati Malaysia and Entrepreneurship Coach.
